Monday, October 18, 2010

Compare and Contrast

The UCD campus contains a few special sculptures, such as the eggheads and the abstract by Tio Giambruni.  Each sculpture is different in shape, size, color, and intention, but nonetheless, all deserving of their space on campus.
There are 7 eggheads scattered throughout campus.  Each egghead holds a different expression and is positioned differently. For example, The one in front of Shields Library has it's nose stuck in a book, the one behind Mrak Hall facing the library, is flipped upside down on it's head, and the one by Dutton is flipped onto its back. When I first saw these eggheads back when I was a little girl visiting the campus, I immediately wondered why the eggheads were there. Reflecting upon my first encounters with them, I realize the answer: to have people stop and wonder about the reason why the eggheads were made in the first place. There is no real reason as to why the eggheads exist, they just do.  Even though I make that argument, I think that to some extent, the expression that each egghead has is influenced by its location. The egghead in front of the library was sculpted with its face in a book.  Adding a book to the sculpture is most appropriate since it's located in front of the library, a place where there are tons of books and where students will come to put their face in a book.  It would be inappropriate to have such a sculpture in front of Mrak Hall.  Consider the eggheads in front of the drama theater.  One egghead is down on the side, the other one isn't.  These expressions are appropriate for a sculpture outside of the drama building, since drama is all about movement and acting. It's as though the egghead themselves are acting.
Unlike the eggheads, which are rather simple, the sculpture by the art building done by Tio Giambruni, is more complicated, in the way that it's not something someone can look at and say "Hey, that's a  -------." Giambruni helped expand the sculpting sector of the art program, so the sculpture probably exists to commemorate his contributions to the art program. To some extent, I do believe that the sculpture is supposed to attract attention, and make people wonder about it, but in a different way than the eggheads. The  Giambruni sculpture only intends to make people wonder about what it resembles, since it isn't anything in particuluar. So I think it pushes its audience to wonder about its shape, its form, and all that it resembles.
Sculptures exist everywhere. The reason for them is up to you to decide.

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